Inaccurate Truths: Ember Audio Video Gallery

Inaccurate Truths Painting Exbhition at Ember Audio Video Gallery with paintings by John Blackburn & Daniel VonSeggen

Robot Invasion!

The Robot Invasion was a series of painting exhibitions that took place in Winston-Salem, NC, Queens, NY, and Chapel Hill, NC from 2004-2007. Each show had about twenty paintings in it. This gallery is a compilation of all three shows. I chose to paint robots to overcome a creative block that prevented me from painting because I couldn't decide what to paint. Deciding on a subject allowed me to focus on the act of painting and explore techniques more freely. The robot was a metaphor meant to illustrate how the mind can be reprogrammed with will.

Monkey Business

Ironically, this show was at Canvas Monkey in Charlotte, NC. I had already begun working on monkey paintings and then I was contacted about having a show there. The synchronicity was too much to pass up the opportunity.


The Powerlines series was shown in Greenpoint, NY in a neighborhood where the power runs under the streets. I've always enjoyed painting skies and was inspired by Robert Crumb (movie) to pay attention to things that people tend to block out or ignore. I'm amazed at the combination of engineering and craftsmanship that these structures represent.


Surreality was shown in Winston-Salem at Mary's of Course. The main themes were time/space, sacred geometry, and surreal landscapes depicting dream realms.

The Speed of Time

The Speed of Time was shown at SEED Gallery. The show was based on time/space, geometry, and engineering.

From Wayback

A collection of works from earlier years of painting.

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